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An Ode to Christ the King

Pope John Paul II famously encouraged us never to give up hope or become discouraged. “Be not afraid!”

Waking up Sunday morning to hear of another terrible night of violence in our city can make this mother whose son was murdered nearly five years ago feel discouraged and heartbroken. Every gunshot and each killing feels personal. But then I realize it's Sunday, November 24, the Feast of Christ the King and I remember Christ is sovereign. And all falls into its proper place, a lesson I learn over and over.

I am a convert. Christ the King Parish has been my one and only parish family and a more loving, caring family I could ever know. I raised my family there, my children received their sacraments there, and I have known so many holy souls from there pass from this earthly life to heaven above—a blessing I could never have imagined. I know what it is like to be raised without knowing the things of God. I promised myself that as a mother, my primary task was to help my children (and husband) get to heaven and to share the gift of my faith in every way I could. I often fall short, but they know my heart.

When we lost Jack to a violent death, our parish family stepped up and held us close in every way. They showed up by providing meals, lawn care, letters, and forbidden hugs during the evils of COVID-19. Father Todd held Mass in the parking lot every day! Many parishes were closed but he provided his flock with the nourishment of the Eucharist daily. Father Todd is my hero. As our family was facing the worst evil we could imagine, he stood in the gap to bring us Jesus in the Eucharist. I clearly feel Jack’s presence during Mass where heaven and earth meet.

The Feast of Christ the King helps me to remember that God has this. I must do my part, but I am never alone. It reminds me that I must walk in hope and shine the light I have been given in the darkness of this world. Jack’s murder has brought us to a new awareness of the abandoned and forgotten parts of our city and of children not blessed to be surrounded by the love and support that Jack knew. Jack has sent his family and friends on a new mission, Jack Shockley Warriors for Peace.

As we celebrate with full hearts of gratitude this Thanksgiving Day, we thank you for your prayers and the support that has sustained us. We remain committed to sharing Jack’s love and peace with the world and to bring the love of Christ to all we meet.

Happy Thanksgiving!

God bless all on the Feast Day of Christ the King.

Viva Cristo Rey! (Long live Christ the King!)

 The first Thanksgiving after Jack’s death, confronting the terrible empty seat at the table by wearing his clothes.

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